
Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing, Inc. has been a leader and an advocate for the use of biobased and environmentally friendly lubricants and greases. The company personnel are active in writing and presenting on biobased products. Our blogs are intended to share our experiences and knowledge with the rest of the world in an attempt to help others join our movement.


There is a saying that expresses some of the problems in grease processing: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

A careful inventory of the greases currently in use can reveal opportunities to switch to a few types of multipurpose grease.

Until recently, energy savings have been marginal and difficult to achieve without compromising finished lubricant quality. Now two new manufacturing techonologies are changing the game.

ELM, a leading manufacturer of Biobased/Biodegradable grease and lubricants is increasing its international presence by opening an office in Singapore.

Environmental Lubricants Manufacturing, Inc., a leading manufacturer of Biobased/Biodegradable grease in the United States, is expanding its production resources.

We researched and patented an alternative way of heating for grease reaction using microwaves.

Although biobased and biodegradable lubricants have been around since 1980s, there is still a need to clarify the difference between natural vegetable oils, chemically modified vegetable oils, esters made from vegetable oils and the resulting biodegradable products.

Transforming Technologies in Grease Industry Biobased Grease and Microwave Based Reactors

This paper reports results from over a year of field test investigation of two grease dispensers on a short line railroad.

ELM’s aluminum complex grease with extreme water replant property is applied using Lubitec’s grease applicator.

This reactor is the only one of its kind that is made of metal and also has metal mixing paddles and receives 150 KW of microwaves to process grease.

This short video illustrates how the magnetic fields of microwaves interacts with the molecules of vegetable oils.

This presentation outlines the results of a sponsored project by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration and performed at the University of Northern Iowa under the direction of Dr. Lou Honary.

This presentation is informative and general as was presented by Professor Lou Honary while still at the University of Northern Iowa.

This presentation offers images of the activities of technicians applying grease to wire rope used on the lifeboats of large ship.

The History Channel’s Modern Marvels featured The ELM’s patented microwave grease processing Systems. This process promises to revolutionize the processing of products.

This paper covers greasing of rail curves to reduce friction and noise.

This article features the use of biobased oils in treating railroad ties, utility poles, home decking boards, and provide a water-resistant coating.

This comprehensive document covers test methods used for evaluating biobased hydraulic oils… prepared by Professor Lou Honary.

This short video illustrates how the temperature of the product can be controlled within one degree Centigrade resulting in consistent reaction process every time.


ELM Capabilities

This presentation outlines the ELM capabilities and resources in brief.

Presented at the ELGI annual conference, this paper was published by Lou Honary.

As part of activities in the ELGI working group, Lou Honary proposed a draft specification of the key requirements of grease for gage face lubrication.

This news release featured the introduction of ELM’s new microwave reactor for manufacturing thicker products that require aggressive mixing.

This article appeared in the UK based Lube Magazine by Lou honary and covers various aspects of biobased lubes and greases.

Where to Get ELM Products

ELM products are offered under various private labels. So, it’s likely that many brands of biobased lubricants and greases offered are manufactured and packaged by ELM. There are some companies and distributors that offer the ELM products under the ELM brand names. The following is a sampling of some of the companies that offer ELM products. ELM offers products only through distributors. Please e-mail or call for more information on where to get ELM’s products.

Laboratory Operations Manager

Phone: 319-824-5203

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Sales and Marketing

Phone: 319-824-5203

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Distributor Information

Phone: 319-824-5203

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